Sunday, November 11, 2007

Taking Back Our Trust

There are many things that I love about the no diet/intuitive eating approach. But one of the biggest is that the approach teaches us to look inside ourselves rather than looking to something outside ourselves for the solution to our issues with food.

It is empowering to listen to our own bodies, to trust our own physical sensations of hunger and satiety rather than ceding our power to some outside authority so that they can tell us what, when, and how much to eat of which foods so that we can attain the ever elusive thinness.

It stuns me to think how much power I have handed over to outside authorities over the years...simply because I wanted to believe that some diet plan, some diet guru, some weight loss center had the elusive answer that would magically make me thin.

I believe that part of the work we do as we work through an intuitive eating process is to take back control... finally take back our own power and take responsibility for our own relationship with food.

Taking back the trust that has been misplaced in a bevy of diets, diet doctors, diet centers, diet books, diet pills, and other diet hoopla and placing the trust instead, in ourselves and in our body's ability to tell us when we are hungry and when we are satisfied empowers us.

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