Friday, November 30, 2007

Intuitive Eating Is Like a Rubber Band

Intuitive Eating...and the process of doing it...reminds me of a rubber band. There is the same elasticity. And for me the concept of hunger and satiety is a bit like a rubber band too. It is changes day to day.

There are days I am comfortable being a little on the edge of hungry most of the day. There are other days that I want to feel the comfortable warm sensation of satisfaction. I want hunger to be soft, and short lived, not edgy and ragged. It isn't that being on the edge of hungry is better than being satisfied or that it is worse. It is that it is different. The beauty is being able to accept the elacticity of it...being able to accept that it is okay to want a softer, fuller feeling some days and to be comfortable with a more edgy feeling just on the edge of hunger some days.

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